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Materials science RSS feed

 SLAC develops materials to improve the performance of batteries, fuel cells and other energy technologies and set the stage for technologies of the future.

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Energy sciences

In materials hit with light, individual atoms and vibrations take disorderly paths.

News Feature

More than a dozen energy-storage companies have streamlined access to research facilities and expertise at SLAC under a new cooperative R&D agreement with CalCharge.

Press Release

A study at the Department of Energy’s SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory suggests for the first time how scientists might deliberately engineer superconductors that work...

News Feature

Ultimate Goal: A Super-efficient Way to Conduct Electricity at Room Temperature

SLAC Staff Scientist Wei-sheng Lee
News Feature

SLAC scientists are among the researchers to receive funding to advance solar cells, batteries, renewable fuels and bioenergy.

Press Release

Rapid Charging and Draining Doesn’t Damage Lithium Ion Electrode as Much as Thought

Photo - battery cycler
News Feature

By observing how hydrogen is absorbed into individual palladium nanocubes, Stanford materials scientists have detailed a key step in storing energy and information in...

News Feature

Experiment Shows Potential of X-ray Laser to Study Complex, Poorly Understood Materials

Illustration of a polystrene molecular chain and Styrofoam cups, which are made of polystyrene.
Press Release

  Scientists Craft Two Exotic Forms of Carbon into a Molecule for Steering Electron Flow

News Feature

Lee comes from MIT, where his team recently discovered a fundamentally new type of magnetic behavior in a mineral called herbertsmithite.

SLAC and Stanford Professor Young S. Lee
News Feature

SIMES Researcher Developed Innovative Printing Process

Image - Ying Diao
News Feature

X-ray Studies will Explore Hybrid Materials for Solar Energy, Efficient Lighting and Other Uses

Image - A researcher at SLAC's Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource holds up a thin strip of material printed with an ink (magenta) relevant to solar-energy conversion.
News Feature

Laser-timing Tool Works at the Speed of Electrons

Image - An illustration of the setup used to test an "attosecond" timing tool at SLAC's Linac Coherent Light Source X-ray laser. The dashed line represents the arrival time of the X-ray laser.