Cryo-EM image processing workshop at SSRL
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Arrival and inspection of the L3 lens of the LSST Camera

The lasting impact of working as an engineer at SLAC on big science projects gives me a sense of contributing to our collective knowledge of the universe.”

Travis Lange Staff engineer

Behind the scenes at SLAC

Science that’s changing the world from the heart of Silicon Valley and the people who are making it happen.
Science that’s changing the world from the heart of Silicon Valley, and the people who are making it happen. (Farrin Abbott/SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
About SLAC video still frame
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory is a Department of Energy national lab run by Stanford in the heart of Silicon Valley. We invent scientific tools to explore the universe at its biggest, its smallest and its fastest. (Olivier Bonin/SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)

The Matter in Extreme Conditions (MEC) instrument mimics the extreme pressure of the Earth's core and temperatures as hot as the Sun’s surface. We observe the transformation of matter with an atom’s-eye view – uncovering answers to fundamental physics questions.”

Arianna Gleason Staff scientist
Staff scientist Arianna Gleason discusses science being done in the Matter in Extreme Conditions (MEC) hutch.

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News Brief

The role focuses on identifying and realizing opportunities and strengthening the coordination and execution of science and technology initiatives.

Alberto Salleo
News Brief

This is the first measurement of its kind and will enable researchers to evaluate electron dynamics in a new range of super-small particles,  valued ...

Graphic depiction of light exciting electrons on a sub-nanometer particle
News Feature

In 1974, the independent discovery of the J/psi particle at SLAC and Brookhaven National Laboratory rocked the physics world, and entire textbooks had to...

50th anniversary of the J/psi discovery
News Brief

The role focuses on identifying and realizing opportunities and strengthening the coordination and execution of science and technology initiatives.

Alberto Salleo
News Brief

This is the first measurement of its kind and will enable researchers to evaluate electron dynamics in a new range of super-small particles,  valued ...

Graphic depiction of light exciting electrons on a sub-nanometer particle
News Feature

In 1974, the independent discovery of the J/psi particle at SLAC and Brookhaven National Laboratory rocked the physics world, and entire textbooks had to...

50th anniversary of the J/psi discovery
News Feature

For nearly 50 years, Hodgson has illuminated the synchrotron radiation community through his pioneering research, innovations, leadership, advocacy and mentorship at the Stanford Synchrotron...

Photo of a group of men
News Feature

SLAC hosted two faculty members from institutions historically underrepresented in the research community via the Visiting Faculty Program.

Fred Lacy and Kolo Wamba stand in front experimental equipment.
News Brief

Scientists worldwide who conduct research at SLAC’s light sources shine light on latest discoveries and innovations in talks, workshops and discussions.

Group photo of the users' meeting attendees