Every day, SLAC people can be seen collaborating across our beautiful campus. The Main Quad is busy during lunch with colleagues catching up, and our buildings offer spaces to think up new ideas. Explore SLAC through our articles or take our virtual tour. To meet our scientists and learn about the exciting science happening at the lab, register for a public tour or sign up for our events, such as public lectures and community outreach activities.

Behind the scenes at SLAC

Making Science Happen
Science that’s changing the world from the heart of Silicon Valley, and the people who are making it happen.
Farrin Abbott/SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory

Who we are
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory is a Department of Energy national lab run by Stanford in the heart of Silicon Valley. We invent scientific tools to explore the universe at its biggest, its smallest and its fastest.
Olivier Bonin/SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory