As one of 17 Department of Energy national labs, SLAC pushes the frontiers of human knowledge and drives discoveries that benefit humankind. We invent the tools that make those discoveries possible and share them with scientists all over the world.

Stronger together
Our research and industry partnerships
We build relationships with industry and other partners to bridge the gap between scientific discoveries and their practical applications.
Key partners
SLAC, Stanford & Department of Energy
Stanford University operates SLAC for the Department of Energy’s Office of Science – a partnership that is key to our successful work at the forefront of discovery and innovation.
About SLAC
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory is a Department of Energy national lab run by Stanford in the heart of Silicon Valley. We invent scientific tools to explore the universe at its biggest, its smallest and its fastest. Watch this short video to understand our place.

Who we are
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory is a Department of Energy national lab run by Stanford in the heart of Silicon Valley. We invent scientific tools to explore the universe at its biggest, its smallest and its fastest.
Olivier Bonin/SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
SLAC’s scientific legacy
Our history
Originally founded for breakthrough research in particle physics, SLAC has evolved into a multipurpose lab whose mission is to explore the world at all scales, from the tiniest fundamental particles to the largest structures in the universe.

Making science accessible
Our facilities and research centers
At our large-scale facilities and specialized centers, scientists take advantage of a powerful combination of tools and expertise and collaborate with colleagues from a wide range of fields.
Our people
It takes all kinds of people - a wide variety of backgrounds, experiences, ideas and skills - to pursue our mission and make the lab a great place to work.
Experience SLAC
Visit our lab
Participate in our public tours and events to get a front-row view of the exciting world of science.