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News Feature

A laser technique lets researchers see how potentially dangerous growths form in batteries.

Microscopic images of lithium metal buildup in batteries
News Feature

Both are professors at Stanford and SLAC, where Martinez is an investigator with the Stanford PULSE Institute.

Stanford and SLAC professors Todd Martinez, left, and William Weis
Press Release

First direct look at how atoms move when a ring-shaped molecule breaks apart could boost our understanding of fundamental processes of life.

Molecular Movie in HD Art
News Feature

He helped lay the groundwork for SLAC’s LCLS X-ray laser and for the institute, which was founded to explore the science LCLS would enable.

David Reis headshot
News Feature

X-ray laser snapshots give scientists a new tool for probing trillionths-of-a-second atomic motions in 2-D materials

Experimental station at SLAC's LCLS X-ray laser where the study was done
News Feature

SLAC Director Chi-Chang Kao spoke to the Stanford University Faculty Senate at its Feb. 21 meeting.

Chi-Chang Kao at Stanford Faculty Senate meeting
News Feature

The newly launched Quantum Fundamentals, ARchitecture and Machines initiative will build upon existing strengths in theoretical and experimental quantum science and engineering at Stanford...

News Feature

Watching electrons sprint between atomically thin layers of material will shed light on the fundamental workings of semiconductors, solar cells and other key technologies.

Illustration of electrons giving off electromagnetic waves as they travel between two materials
News Feature

“The Worlds Within” and “Fabrication of the Accelerator Structure,” now available digitally in high fidelity, tell the story of Stanford Linear Accelerator Center’s inception...

see description
News Feature

Detailed observations of iridium atoms at work could help make catalysts that drive chemical reactions smaller, cheaper and more efficient.

Depiction of four techniques used to study a single-atom catalyst
News Feature

Ultrafast manipulation of material properties with light could stimulate the development of novel electronics, including quantum computers.

Topological Switch Lead Art
News Feature

The SIMES researcher was a rare theorist who concerned himself with the implications of his abstract ideas about new quantum states of matter on...

Shoucheng Zhang