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News Feature

Combining X-ray and electron data from two cutting-edge SLAC instruments, researchers make the first observation of the rapid atomic response of iron-platinum nanoparticles to...

ultrafast electron diffraction on iron-platinum
Press Release

They created a comprehensive picture of how the same chemical processes that give these cathodes their high capacity are also linked to changes in...

Electrode structure for lithium ion battery.
News Feature

These stripes of electron spin and charge are exciting because of their possible link to a phenomenon that could transform society by making electrical...

Illustration of spin and charge stripes modeled by computer
News Feature

In experiments with the lab’s ultrafast "electron camera," laser light hitting a material is almost completely converted into nuclear vibrations, which are key to...

UED Molybdenum Diselenide
News Feature

Research with SLAC’s X-ray laser simulates what happens when a meteor hits Earth’s crust. The results suggest that scientists studying impact sites have been...

News Feature

Effort to improve the next generation of gravitational wave detectors includes atomic studies of new and better coatings for LIGO’s mirrors at SSRL.

Press Release

Remarkable cryo-EM images that reveal details down to the individual atom will yield new insights into why high-energy batteries fail.

A lithium metal dendrite, taken with cryogenic electron microscopy or cryo-EM