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Press Release

SLAC and Stanford researchers secure support for two projects that share one goal: to reduce the side effects of radiation therapy by vastly shrinking...

Researchers at SLAC and Stanford are developing new accelerator-based technology that aims to speed up cancer radiation therapy.
News Feature

Revealed for the first time by a new X-ray laser technique, their surprisingly unruly response has profound implications for designing and controlling materials.

Illustration of laser light setting off vibrations in material
News Feature

Two studies led by SLAC and Stanford capture electron 'sound waves' and identify a positive feedback loop that may boost superconducting temperatures.

Illustration of study that reveals how coordinated motions of atoms boost superconductivity
News Feature
VIA Symmetry Magazine

Dark matter vibes

New technology could help future SuperCDMS SNOLAB experiment expand the search for light dark matter particles

SuperCDMS Prototype Crystal
News Feature

This summer, five graduate students from the University of Puerto Rico had the opportunity to use SLAC’s world-class facilities to keep their studies on...

University of Puerto Rico Interns
News Feature

The LSST cryostat, now fully assembled, will keep the camera’s image sensors continuously cooled to minus 150 degrees Fahrenheit for crisp, high-sensitivity views of...

LSST Cryostat Grid
News Feature

A SLAC-Stanford study reveals exactly what it takes for diamond to crystallize around a “seed” cluster of atoms. The results apply to industrial processes...

Illustration of diamondoid and diamond crystals
Illustration of diamondoid and diamond crystals
News Feature

She’ll direct the future of astrophysics research at SLAC and Stanford for the next five years.

Risa Wechsler 2018
Press Release

Richter designed particle accelerators and carried out experiments that led to the Nobel Prize-winning discovery of the charm quark.

Press Release

To break, or not to break: An unprecedented atomic movie captures the moment when molecules decide how to respond to light.

UED Bond Breaking
News Feature

SLAC and Stanford researchers are developing a device that combines electrical brain stimulation with EEG recording, opening potential new paths for treating neurological disorders.
