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X-ray scattering and diffraction RSS feed

See content related to X-ray scattering and X-ray diffraction here below.

Illustration of LCLS diffraction protein crystals.

News Brief

LCLS X-rays allowed researchers to connect the molecular dynamics of supercritical carbon dioxide, used in industrial and environmental applications, with its unique properties.

A figure showing atoms and blue blobs projecting an image onto a screen.
News Brief

A SLAC study shows a process called atomic relaxation offers a new way to explore quantum states in these puzzling materials.

Light blue wavy lines on a maroon red background.
News Feature

AI is playing a key role in helping SLAC researchers find new galaxies and tiny neutrinos, and discover new drugs.

Diffraction pattern
News Brief

This research advances our understanding of Earth's deep interior and exoplanets, opening new research avenues in Earth and planetary sciences.

Press Release

The high-energy upgrade will keep the U.S. at the forefront of X-ray science and technology, allowing researchers to advance fields such as sustainability, human...

News Feature

Tanner works on self-assembling nanocrystals, which could be the basis for less expensive, easier to build displays and solar cells.

Christian Tanner
News Feature

Alimohamadi is being recognized for her novel integration of theoretical and experimental results to connect diverse health outcomes with cell membrane behavior.

Haleh Alimohamadi
News Brief

An X-ray imaging technique revealed that copper nanofoams used in inertial fusion experiments aren't as uniform as expected.

Green blobs on a blue background.
News Brief

Devereaux was honored for contributions to materials science and was among seven Stanford-affiliated researchers named AAAS Fellows this year.

Thomas Devereaux
News Feature

The research could lead to a better understanding of how metals behave under extreme conditions, which will aid in the development of more resilient...

phonon hardening
News Feature

Teams at SLAC installed new experimental hutches with cutting-edge instruments that will harness the upgraded facility’s new capabilities and expand the breadth of research...

SLAC's linac at sunrise, looking east.
News Brief

SSRL's X-ray tools reveal that alcohol groups on a nanodiamond's surface allow one of the world's most valuable materials to bond with one of...

Purple layers surround angular red chunks. These are struck by gold rays, which release white spheres from the purple and red objects.