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Scientists create artificial catalysts inspired by living enzymes

Press Release

Chi-­Chang Kao, an associate laboratory director at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, has been named as the lab's fifth director, Stanford University President John Hennessy...

Headshot of Chi-Chang Kao
News Feature

The search for dark matter runs deep with physicists Blas Cabrera and Bernard Sadoulet, who have chased this mystery far underground and will be...

Side by side photos of Blas Cabrera and Bernard Sadoulet
News Feature

Understanding why proteins interact with certain specific molecules and not with the myriad others in their environment is a major goal of molecular biology.

Conceptual art showing proteins and viruses
News Feature

Most electric cars, from the Tesla Model S to the Nissan Leaf, run on rechargeable lithium-ion batteries – a pricey technology that accounts for...

Mike Toney and Johanna Nelson at SSRL
Press Release

Scientists studying neutrinos have found with the highest degree of sensitivity yet that these mysterious particles behave like other elementary particles at the quantum...

EXO-200 in the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant
Press Release

An international team led by the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory has proved how the world's most powerful X-ray laser...

a lysozyme structural model against its X-ray diffraction pattern
News Feature

Condensed-matter physicists the world over are in hot pursuit of a comprehensive understanding of high-temperature superconductivity, not just for its technological benefits but for...

 False-color plots of the superconducting gap distribution of BaFe2(As0.7P0.3)2
News Feature

An international team of researchers has used SLAC’s Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) to discover never-before-seen behavior by electrons in complex materials with extraordinary...

alternating stripes of charges and spins that self-organize in a particular nickel oxide at sufficiently low temperatures
News Feature

Steven Kivelson, a member of SLAC’s Stanford Institute for Materials and Energy Sciences, has been named a winner of the 2012 John Bardeen Prize...

Steven Kivelson
News Feature

After months of installation and commissioning efforts, SLAC's newest user facility welcomed its first two groups of experimenters on Friday.

Spencer Gessner aligns a mirror for FACET's X-ray spectrometer
Press Release

Menlo Park, Calif. — A 3.2 billion-pixel digital camera designed by SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory is now one step closer to reality.

News Feature

A surprising atomic-scale wiggle underlies the way a special class of materials reacts to light, according to research that may lead to new devices...

artist's conception depicts the sudden contraction and elongation experienced by the unit cell of the ferroelectric material lead titanate as an intense pulse of violet light hits it