Past Event

Microbes Mining Minerals: A New Route to Plant Cultivation

Presented by Jocelyn Richardson

Register to watch in person in the Kavli Auditorium, or watch the lecture live on our YouTube page.

Plants supply us with food, clothing, medicines, fuels, and other necessities of life.  For their growth, plants need essential minerals from the soil. These nutrients can be provided by fertilizers, but over-fertilization can damage the environment. Is there another way? Many of the nutrients plants need to grow already exist in soil, but they are locked up within soil minerals and inaccessible to plants. However, there is a world of microbes within the soil that are capable of  ‘mining’ critical nutrients from soil minerals to provide nutrients for themselves and can also transfer these nutrients to plants. Studying the interactions between soil minerals, microbes and plant roots is difficult because soil is complex, messy, and opaque. But now it is possible, using X-rays, to observe the processes by which soil microbes extract, absorb, and transfer nutrients. In this lecture, I will describe our studies of fungal networks extracting nutrients from soil and bacteria that assist plant growth, preventing the build-up of harmful chemicals. This research is providing fresh insights into nourishing the growth of plants.

About Jocelyn Richardson

Jocelyn Richardson grew up in Edinburgh, Scotland, and earned her undergraduate degree in geology from the University of St. Andrews. In 2014, she crossed the Atlantic to begin her graduate studies in Earth and planetary sciences at Washington University in St. Louis. Some of her graduate research was conducted at X-ray synchrotrons at the national laboratories, sparking her interest in the exciting science that these facilities could provide. After obtaining her Ph.D. in 2019, she began a postdoctoral fellowship at SLAC, at the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource (SSRL), where she helped researchers access advanced tools for their biological studies. Jocelyn is now an Associate Staff Scientist at SSRL, using these tools for studies at the interface of biology, geology, and environmental science that aim to improve our understanding of Earth's life-support systems. 

Past Event

Microbes Mining Minerals: A New Route to Plant Cultivation

Presented by Jocelyn Richardson

Public Lectures
Public Lecture: Joycelyn Richardson
Thursday, January 23, 2025
7:00–8:00 p.m. PST