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Please visit our events page for more information about upcoming events.

Upcoming Event
Register to watch in person in the  Kavli Auditorium,  or watch the lecture live on our YouTube page.  For a decade, SLAC has been...
SLAC  Lecture | Revealing the Secrets of Transistors using Supercomputers
Mar 27
Past Event
Register to watch in person in the  Kavli Auditorium,  or watch the lecture live on our YouTube page. Plants supply us with food, clothing...
Public Lecture: Joycelyn Richardson
Past Event
Register to watch in person in the  Kavli Auditorium,  or watch the lecture live on our YouTube page.  In particle physics, we search for...
Public lecture illustration
News Feature

In 1974, the independent discovery of the J/psi particle at SLAC and Brookhaven National Laboratory rocked the physics world, and entire textbooks had to...

50th anniversary of the J/psi discovery
News Feature

For nearly 50 years, Hodgson has illuminated the synchrotron radiation community through his pioneering research, innovations, leadership, advocacy and mentorship at the Stanford Synchrotron...

Photo of a group of men
News Brief

Scientists worldwide who conduct research at SLAC’s light sources shine light on latest discoveries and innovations in talks, workshops and discussions.

Group photo of the users' meeting attendees
Past Event
It is a mystery how the earliest organisms on earth evolved the means to thrive, grow and reproduce under the sparse conditions of the...
Public Lecture: Macon Abernathy
Past Event
Discovering millions of galaxies and unraveling the mysteries of dark matter and dark energy is far out! Join us at the Dutch Goose for...
SLAC on Tap Hannah Polleck
Past Event

Presented by Chelsea Bartram

Public Lecture: Chelsea Bartram
Past Event

Presented by Ashley James

Public Lecture: Ashley James
Past Event

Double your pressure, double your fun! Join us for SLAC on Tap on May 9, when SLAC scientist and rock star Arianna Gleason will...

SLAC on tap promo with Arianna Gleason
News Feature

Lynbrook High School and Joaquin Miller Middle School will continue on to nationals from the regional event hosted at SLAC.   

High school students hold up a blue National Science Bowl banner.