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Scientists create artificial catalysts inspired by living enzymes

News Feature

X-ray studies conducted at SLAC and in the United Kingdom have resurrected the detailed chemistry of 50-million-year-old leaves from fossils found in the western...

A composite optical and X-ray image (red is copper, green is zinc, blue is nickel) of a 50-million-year-old leaf fossil. Trace metals correlate with the leaf's original biological structures. Also visible are ancient caterpillar feeding tubes.
Press Release

Scientists have discovered a potential way to make graphene – a single layer of carbon atoms with great promise for future electronics – superconducting...

Superconducting Graphene Layers
Press Release

Researchers from the BICEP2 collaboration have announced the first direct evidence supporting the theory of cosmic inflation. Their data also represent the first images...

The Dark Sector Lab (DSL)
News Feature
VIA Symmetry Magazine

Particle Physics in the United States

More than 150 US universities and laboratories are engaged in particle physics research and technology innovation, playing important roles in the Higgs boson and...

News Feature

Stanford graduate student Spencer Gessner has received a Siemann fellowship to help him continue his research into cutting-edge accelerator physics at SLAC's Facility for...

Photo – Spencer Gessner, 2014 Siemann Fellow
News Feature

SLAC accelerator physicists have been instrumental in creating a vital part of a future Higgs boson-producing linear accelerator, from developing the initial design nearly...

Photo - SLAC members of the ATF2 collaboration
News Feature

An experiment at SLAC’s X-ray laser has revealed the first atomic-scale details of a new technique that could point the way to faster data...

Image - A laser-driven electric pulse excites a magnetic response in a multiferroic material that is measured by SLAC's X-ray laser pulse (blue).
News Feature
VIA Symmetry Magazine

‘Particle Fever’ Opens in the US

Particle Fever is a documentary that follows scientists involved in research at the Large Hadron Collider, including the ATLAS Experiment in which SLAC participates...

News Feature

Created by scientists from Stanford, SLAC and Denmark, the new nickel-gallium catalyst converts carbon dioxide emissions into an important industrial chemical and potential fuel

Jens Norskov
News Feature

In a newly announced result from the Cryogenic Dark Matter Search experiment, scientists have placed a more stringent limit on "light," or low-mass, dark...

News Feature

Black widow spiders and their Australian cousins, known as redbacks, are notorious for their tainted love, expressed as an unsettling tendency to kill and...

Image - Illustration of black widow pulsar blasting material off companion star
News Feature

Growing up in China shortly after the Cultural Revolution, Zhirong Huang may have been the only middle-school child in Beijing who knew anything about...

Zhirong Huang, associate professor of physics