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Scientists create artificial catalysts inspired by living enzymes

News Feature

Most experiments searching for mysterious dark matter require massive colliders, but Stanford physicist and SLAC collaborator Peter Graham advocates a different, less costly approach.

News Feature

Using an electric field, researchers drew magnetic designs in nonmagnetic material. These efforts could lead to new types of storage devices.

News Feature

Computer simulations by SLAC physicists show how light pulses can create channels that conduct electricity with no resistance in some atomically thin semiconductors.

Press Release

Scientists at Stanford and SLAC use diamondoids – the smallest possible bits of diamond – to assemble atoms into the thinnest possible electrical wires.

Diamondoids on a lab bench and under microscope, with penny for scale
News Feature

After 30 years in industry, he is leading a new focus at the lab’s SSRL X-ray light source and looking for ways to build...

Simon Bare at SLAC’s Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource
News Feature

Squeezing a platinum catalyst a fraction of a nanometer nearly doubles its catalytic activity, a finding that could lead to better fuel cells and...

News Feature

Paleontologist Phil Manning describes the “Imaging Life on Earth” project at TEDxCharleston.

Press Release

New X-ray methods have captured the highest resolution room-temperature images of photosystem II.

News Feature

The team determined the 3-D structure of a biomolecule by tagging it with selenium atoms and taking hundreds of thousands of images.

News Feature

Two recently funded computing projects work toward developing cutting-edge scientific applications for future exascale supercomputers that can perform at least a billion billion computing...

News Feature
VIA Symmetry Magazine

In Search of a Parallel Universe

What are parallel universes, and why do we think they might exist?

News Feature

The event drew more than 400 participants, with workshops and presentations focusing on collaborations and new technology at SLAC’s light sources.