From the invisible world of elementary particles to the mysteries of the cosmos, recipients of this prestigious award for early career scientists explore nature...
Edward Hohenstein, Emma McBride and Caterina Vernieri study what happens to molecules hit by light, recreate extreme states of matter like those inside stars...
Zhenan Bao, Axel Brunger and Robert Byer are among 252 new members elected to the society, which honors exceptional scholars, leaders, artists and innovators...
It can help operators optimize the performance of X-ray lasers, electron microscopes, medical accelerators and other devices that depend on high-quality beams.
A better understanding of the failure process will help researchers design new materials that can better withstand intense events such as high-velocity impacts.
From the invisible world of elementary particles to the mysteries of the cosmos, recipients of this prestigious award for early career scientists explore nature at every level.
Edward Hohenstein, Emma McBride and Caterina Vernieri study what happens to molecules hit by light, recreate extreme states of matter like those inside stars and planets, and search for new physics phenomena at the most fundamental level.
With a new suite of tools, scientists discovered exactly how tiny plate-like catalyst particles carry out a key step in that conversion – the evolution of oxygen in an electrocatalytic cell – in unprecedented detail.
Zhenan Bao, Axel Brunger and Robert Byer are among 252 new members elected to the society, which honors exceptional scholars, leaders, artists and innovators engaged in advancing the public good.
It can help operators optimize the performance of X-ray lasers, electron microscopes, medical accelerators and other devices that depend on high-quality beams.
A better understanding of the failure process will help researchers design new materials that can better withstand intense events such as high-velocity impacts.
The results, which show that ultrafast atomic motions are the first step in forming a magnetic state, could lead to faster and more efficient data storage devices.