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See content related to X-ray light sources and electron imaging here below.

Aerial view of SLAC

News Feature

The X-ray laser movie shows what happens when light hits retinal, a key part of vision in animals and photosynthesis in microbes. The action...

An image of San Francisco Bay salt ponds from space
News Feature

The researchers observed how an enzyme from drug-resistant tuberculosis bacteria damages an antibiotic molecule. The new technique provides a powerful tool to examine changes...

Photo - CXI instrument at LCLS
News Feature

Water is more complicated than it seems. Now a study led by researchers at Stockholm University has probed the movements of its molecules on...

Illustration showing blurring of images of water molecules made with X-ray laser
News Feature

By placing the tiniest strands of proteins on one-atom-thick graphene, scientists capture promising X-ray laser images of these elusive biomolecules that play a key...

Illustration of amyloid fibrils on graphene
News Feature

Like turning a snowball back into fluffy snow, a new technique turns high-density materials into a lower-density one by applying the chemical equivalent of...

SLAC scientists working at SSRL experimental station
News Feature

The liquid sheets – less than 100 water molecules thick – will let researchers probe chemical, physical and biological processes, and even the nature...

A glass chip used as a nozzle to create thin sheets of flowing liquid.
News Feature

The foils, each made from a single chemical element, are used to calibrate X-ray equipment at SLAC’s SSRL synchrotron, and were donated by long-time...

Photo - thin metal foils
News Feature

The new technology could allow next-generation instruments to explore the atomic world in ever more detail.

Beam from SRF gun
News Feature

When it comes to making molecular movies, producing the world’s fastest X-ray pulses is only half the battle. A new technique reveals details about...

Illustration of the LCSL "attoclock"
News Feature

The DOE’s top official met with SLAC staff and toured the Linac Coherent Light Source X-ray laser, where a superconducting upgrade is underway.

Secretary of Energy Rick Perry at SLAC's LCLS undulator hall
News Feature

The professor at University of California, Davis, describes his innovative work at SLAC’s synchrotron to search for simple, selective catalysts.

Portrait of Bruce Gates
News Feature

With X-ray imaging at SLAC’s synchrotron, scientists uncovered a 6th century translation of a book by the Greek-Roman doctor Galen. The words had been...

hands holding an old book page in front of synchrotron X-ray imaging equipment