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SIMES researchers study complex, novel materials that could transform the energy landscape by making computing much more efficient or transmitting power over long distances with no loss, for instance.

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Polarons, bubbles of distortion in a perovskite lattice.

News Brief

Using an advanced technique at SLAC’s Linac Coherent Light Source, researchers make surprising discoveries.

Image of a multicolored speckle pattern
News Brief

The research lays the groundwork for deeper exploration of high-temperature superconducting materials, with real-world applications such as lossless power grids and advanced quantum technologies.

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A SLAC study shows a process called atomic relaxation offers a new way to explore quantum states in these puzzling materials.

Light blue wavy lines on a maroon red background.
News Feature

The Center for Energy Efficient Magnonics (CEEMag) brings together a multidisciplinary group of researchers from SLAC and seven universities

Spin wave-based interconnect illustration
News Feature

The finding could help future efforts to design superconductors that work at higher temperatures.

This is a graphic drawing that represents how electrons lock together in a superconducting material.
News Brief

A study reveals an ultrathin material’s ability to circularly polarize light, potentially informing how they work in optoelectronic devices.

Image from SLAC's high-speed electron camera showing circular polarization of terahertz light.
News Feature

During her fellowship she will continue research that aims to deepen our understanding of quantum materials.

Headshot of Judy Ji
Past Event

Double your pressure, double your fun! Join us for SLAC on Tap on May 9, when SLAC scientist and rock star Arianna Gleason will...

SLAC on tap promo with Arianna Gleason
News Brief

Harold Hwang and Tony Heinz were among 124 newly elected members.

Harold Hwang and Tony Heinz
News Brief

Election to the academy honors exceptional scholars who discover and advance knowledge and who apply knowledge to the problems of society.

News Brief

Devereaux was honored for contributions to materials science and was among seven Stanford-affiliated researchers named AAAS Fellows this year.

Thomas Devereaux
News Feature

Seen in atomic detail, the seemingly smooth flow of ions through a battery’s electrolyte is a lot more complicated.

Photo of the laser lab apparatus used in the hopping ions experiment.