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Scientists create artificial catalysts inspired by living enzymes

News Feature

Research reveals that the bacterial immune system can better destroy viral attackers by saving genetic records of previously encountered viruses.

News Feature

A previous study claiming the discovery of gravitational waves as cosmic inflation’s fingerprint has most likely been over-interpreted, scientists found in a joint analysis...

News Feature

He’s known for exploring fundamental properties of novel materials on the nanoscale, and for developing new tools for the exploration.

Stanford and SLAC Professor Tony Heinz
News Feature

Scientist Helen Quinn has had a significant impact on the field of theoretical physics.

News Feature

Stanford and SLAC engineers observed electrons at work during catalytic reactions. Their findings challenge long-held theories about some catalysts, opening the door to new...

News Feature

His election recognizes a long history of accomplishment that began more than two decades ago at the SLAC Linear Collider.

SLAC staff physicist Peter Rowson (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
Press Release

Plans to build the world’s largest digital camera at SLAC have reached a major milestone, with funding approval for the 3,200-megapixel camera. The camera...

News Feature

SLAC study shows the so-called ‘pseudogap’ hoards electrons that otherwise might pair up to carry current through a material with 100 percent efficiency.

News Feature

Experiments have helped explain some of the imbalance between matter and antimatter in the universe, but not all of it. Now a SLAC theorist...

Higgs jet diagram
News Feature

A scientist at Germany’s DESY lab who participated in pioneering studies at SLAC's LCLS has been awarded a scientific prize by a research foundation.

Image - Henry Chapman (DESY)
News Feature

Understanding details of a flu antibody offers new insight for future structure-based drug discovery and novel avenues for designing vaccines.

A false color image of an influenza virus particle
News Feature

Researchers captured the highest-resolution snapshots ever taken with an X-ray laser that show changes in a protein’s structure over time.

Image - This illustration depicts an experiment at SLAC that revealed how a protein from photosynthetic bacteria changes shape in response to light.