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Scientists create artificial catalysts inspired by living enzymes

News Feature

The LSST system will alert scientists to changes in space in near-real time.

News Feature

When SuperCDMS SNOLAB turns on in 2018 at the underground science laboratory in Canada, it will be able to see dark matter particles 10...

News Feature

Two new research projects support the Stanford Institute for Materials and Energy Sciences in the study of exotic new materials that could enable future...

News Feature
VIA Symmetry Magazine

Physics for the people

Citizen scientists dive into particle physics and astrophysics research.

News Feature

Recent experiments at SLAC's SSRL reveal that an organic semiconductor transports electrical charge more efficiently when combined with the wonder material graphene.

News Feature

An X-ray laser experiment could lead to new drugs that lessen the side effects caused by powerful painkillers like morphine.

Image - This rendering shows a type of cellular membrane protein known as a delta opioid receptor (purple) with a compound derived from a naturally occurring peptide (orange, blue and red) bound inside its “pocket.” The peptide compound shows promise as a
News Feature

Honored for early theoretical predictions that helped elucidate the nature of the strong force and the structure of the proton, he is still shaking...

SLAC theoretical physicist James D. "BJ" Bjorken
News Feature
VIA Symmetry Magazine

What’s New for LHC Run II

The Large Hadron Collider gears up for restart.

Press Release

Scientists have used an X-ray laser at SLAC to get the first glimpse of the transition state where two atoms begin to form a...

Illustration of a transition state in a chemical reaction.
Press Release

Technique Could Allow Study of Viral Infections, Cell Division and Photosynthesis in New Detail

A pond containing a visible bloom of cyanobacteria, with an artistic rendering of an individual cell
News Feature

Jens Nørskov, director of the SUNCAT Center for Interface Science and Catalysis at Stanford and SLAC, has been named a member of the National...

News Feature

A video campaign shows international support for construction of the International Linear Collider.