SLAC topics

Particle physics RSS feed

Working at the forefront of particle physics, SLAC scientists use powerful particle accelerators to create and study nature’s fundamental building blocks and forces, build sensitive detectors to search for new particles and develop theories that explain and guide experiments. SLAC's particle physicists want to understand our universe – from its smallest constituents to its largest structures.

Related links:
Physics of the universe
Elementary particle physics

Particles collide in this illustration

News Feature
VIA Symmetry Magazine

The 'Cosmos' connection

Science is no longer the wallflower who doesn’t get asked to the dance, writes physicist Glen Crawford in an essay about science outreach past...

News Feature
VIA Symmetry Magazine

Tracking Particles Faster at the LHC

A new trigger system will expand what ATLAS scientists can look for during high-energy collisions at the Large Hadron Collider.

News Feature
VIA Symmetry Magazine

Not Just Old Codgers

During a day of talks at Stanford University, theoretical physicist Leonard Susskind explained “Why I Teach Physics to Old Codgers, and How It Got...

News Feature

An analysis using LHC data verifies the existence of an exotic four-quark hadron.

News Feature

From accelerators unexpectedly beneath your feet to a ferret that once cleaned accelerator components, symmetry shares some lesser-known facts about particle accelerators.

Press Release

Researchers from the BICEP2 collaboration have announced the first direct evidence supporting the theory of cosmic inflation. Their data also represent the first images...

The Dark Sector Lab (DSL)
News Feature
VIA Symmetry Magazine

Particle Physics in the United States

More than 150 US universities and laboratories are engaged in particle physics research and technology innovation, playing important roles in the Higgs boson and...

News Feature

A cooperative agreement with Palo-Alto based CPI opens the door to routine commercial manufacturing of these powerful vacuum tube devices, which convert electron beams...

CPI President and Chief Operating Officer Robert A. Fickett, left, and SLAC Lab Director Chi-Chang Kao look at one of the XL5 klystrons the company built under a cooperative agreement with SLAC.
News Feature
VIA Symmetry Magazine

‘Particle Fever’ Opens in the US

Particle Fever is a documentary that follows scientists involved in research at the Large Hadron Collider, including the ATLAS Experiment in which SLAC participates...

News Feature

In a SLAC test facility, scientists have set the stage for an experiment that mimics what happens when incredibly energetic cosmic ray particles hit...

Photo - Researchers look over the magnetic coils that will impersonate the Earth's magnetic field.
News Feature

Editors of the journal Science, published by the American Association for the Advancement of Science, have selected their annual Top 10 Science Breakthroughs of...

Image - Artist's illustration of a supernova, with a shockwave spreading out from it.
VIA Symmetry Magazine

The Universe's Earliest Moments

How is it possible to look at the earliest moments of the universe?

The Early Universe