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Energy sciences RSS feed

One of the most urgent challenges of our time is discovering how to generate the energy and products we need sustainably, without compromising the well-being of future generations by depleting limited resources or accelerating climate change. SLAC pursues this goal on many levels.

Studies of atomic-level processes

News Feature

Scientists demonstrated a materials characterization technique can be successful at a new type of facility, and they used it at LCLS to discover a...

A small bright ball falls on a purple grid, creating a wave.
News Brief

A study reveals an ultrathin material’s ability to circularly polarize light, potentially informing how they work in optoelectronic devices.

Image from SLAC's high-speed electron camera showing circular polarization of terahertz light.
News Feature

The Ultrafast X-ray Summer School, run by the Stanford PULSE Institute and hosted at SLAC, opens the door for students and postdocs to imagine...

A group photo of people in red tee shirts.
News Feature

The SLAC/Stanford researcher is a leading materials scientist and entrepreneur whose research is paving the way for better batteries, cleaner power grids.

SLAC and Stanford researcher Will Chueh
News Feature

During her fellowship she will continue research that aims to deepen our understanding of quantum materials.

Headshot of Judy Ji
Past Event

Double your pressure, double your fun! Join us for SLAC on Tap on May 9, when SLAC scientist and rock star Arianna Gleason will...

SLAC on tap promo with Arianna Gleason
News Feature

Two determined fellows share their thoughts on representation, mentorship and staying true to themselves in STEM.

Annette Mendoza and Damion Tingle
News Brief

Harold Hwang and Tony Heinz were among 124 newly elected members.

Harold Hwang and Tony Heinz
News Brief

Election to the academy honors exceptional scholars who discover and advance knowledge and who apply knowledge to the problems of society.

News Brief

Devereaux was honored for contributions to materials science and was among seven Stanford-affiliated researchers named AAAS Fellows this year.

Thomas Devereaux
News Feature

Researchers have uncovered new insights about tungsten's ability to conduct heat, which could lead to materials advancements for fusion reactor and aerospace technologies.

Learn more about how scientists and engineers at SLAC are working on new tools for improving our understanding of fusion energy in this short...