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Energy sciences RSS feed

One of the most urgent challenges of our time is discovering how to generate the energy and products we need sustainably, without compromising the well-being of future generations by depleting limited resources or accelerating climate change. SLAC pursues this goal on many levels.

Studies of atomic-level processes

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Nickel dopants could improve sustainable production of ethylene oxide, a chemical widely used in industrial manufacturing.

An illustration of purple balls (oxygen) gather near a nickel atom embedded in a sheet of silver.
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Supported by SLAC’s catalysis group, researchers have discovered a promising method to remove contaminants during the making of polymers.

Molecules strike a material below.
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SSRL scientists have figured out how platinum electrodes dissolve, potentially paving the way for renewable energy improvements.

White dots on a black background, with additional purple and blue dots and purple triangles connecting them.
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As a member of a collaborative team led by General Atomics, SLAC will help bridge basic research programs with the growing fusion industry. 

Graphic representation of lasers hitting a fusion fuel target in a fusion target chamber
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The research lays the groundwork for deeper exploration of high-temperature superconducting materials, with real-world applications such as lossless power grids and advanced quantum technologies.

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A market and supply chain analysis for sodium- and lithium-ion batteries is the first by STEER, a new Stanford-SLAC energy technology analysis program.

An illustration of the periodic table, featuring lithium and sodium, along with a data graph.
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LCLS X-rays allowed researchers to connect the molecular dynamics of supercritical carbon dioxide, used in industrial and environmental applications, with its unique properties.

A figure showing atoms and blue blobs projecting an image onto a screen.
News Feature

Consumers’ real-world electric vehicle driving benefits batteries more than the steady use simulated in almost all laboratory tests of new battery designs, a Stanford-SLAC...

An illustration of a car inside a battery.
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A SLAC study shows a process called atomic relaxation offers a new way to explore quantum states in these puzzling materials.

Light blue wavy lines on a maroon red background.
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SLAC partners with five national labs and eight universities seeking to increase the supply diversity of EV batteries and relieve supply chain concerns.

SLAC-Stanford Battery Center
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An associate scientist at SSRL, Richardson studies plant growth to find ways to enhance nutrient uptake in plants, especially in challenging conditions – such...

Jocelyn Richardson
News Feature

Descamps was recognized for turning the world’s most powerful X-ray laser into a sophisticated tool for probing extremely hot, dense matter.

Adrien Descamps presents his research.