Past events

Past Event
Register to watch in person in the  Kavli Auditorium,  or watch the lecture live on our YouTube page.  For a decade, SLAC has been...
SLAC  Lecture | Revealing the Secrets of Transistors using Supercomputers
Past Event
Register to watch in person in the  Kavli Auditorium,  or watch the lecture live on our YouTube page. Plants supply us with food, clothing...
Public Lecture: Joycelyn Richardson
Past Event
Register to watch in person in the  Kavli Auditorium,  or watch the lecture live on our YouTube page.  In particle physics, we search for...
Public lecture illustration
Past Event
Register to watch in person in the  Kavli Auditorium,  or watch the lecture live on our YouTube page.  For a decade, SLAC has been...
SLAC  Lecture | Revealing the Secrets of Transistors using Supercomputers
Past Event
Register to watch in person in the  Kavli Auditorium,  or watch the lecture live on our YouTube page. Plants supply us with food, clothing...
Public Lecture: Joycelyn Richardson
Past Event
Register to watch in person in the  Kavli Auditorium,  or watch the lecture live on our YouTube page.  In particle physics, we search for...
Public lecture illustration
Past Event
It is a mystery how the earliest organisms on earth evolved the means to thrive, grow and reproduce under the sparse conditions of the...
Public Lecture: Macon Abernathy
Past Event
STEM Community Day

STEM Community Day 2024

Thank you to all who joined us this year! 2024 event photos are available here   STEM Community Day is a fun-filled event...
Visitors watch a science demonstration at Community Day
Past Event
Discovering millions of galaxies and unraveling the mysteries of dark matter and dark energy is far out! Join us at the Dutch Goose for...
SLAC on Tap Hannah Polleck
Recurring events

Featured event series

SLAC hosts a range of exciting events to raise awareness, inform, educate, engage and connect with Stanford and local communities.

Lecture series

Public Lectures

SLAC Public Lectures highlight the lab’s cutting-edge science and offer non-scientists unique insights into the workings of our universe.

video still frame of lecture about the search for dark matter
Tour guide

Public tours

Sign up for an in-person tour at SLAC. The tour destinations are designed to give you the most exciting and informative views of the lab. We are continuously enhancing our tour program and information about our sciences to give an engaging experience to our visitors.

Tour stop at LCLS's XCS Hutch in the Far Experimental Hall
Lecture series

SLAC on Tap

SLAC on Tap aims to teach the community about our science and technology through informal talks and interactive demonstrations for the general public.

SLAC on Tap event series poster
Lecture series

Art Meets Science

Explore the intersections between these two creative approaches to learn about the world around us. In this special series, SLAC welcomes the Stanford and local community to presentations that celebrate the confluence of art and science.

Ge Wang is an associate professor at Stanford University’s Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA)
Annual Open House

Community Day at SLAC

An evening of enriching activities to learn about SLAC science and have fun doing it. Participate in interactive exhibits, engaging demos of science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics (STEAM), and facility tours.

A young camper engages with a Van der Graaf generator exhibit at Core science institute
In case you missed it

Past lecture recordings

Learn about SLAC science by watching our past lecture recordings.


Public lecture presented by Jocelyn Richardson

Public Lecture: Joycelyn Richardson
Public lecture presented by Julia Gonski
Public lecture illustration

Public lecture presented by Taran Driver

electron illustration
Public lecture presented by Emmanuel Schaan
video stillframe from public lecture

Public lecture presented by Axel Levy

stillframe for public lecture march 2023

Public lecture presented by Peter  D. Dahlberg

cryo-EM image of Caulobacter bacterium
Science and User Support Building (SUSB)

Attending a public event

Coming to SLAC

Free admission     
Registration may be required.    

Identification required     
Adults are required to bring a photo ID to enter the SLAC campus.     

Limited seating     
Please arrive early to join the event on time.    

Free parking     
SLAC offers free parking in our visitor parking lot.     

SLAC facilities meet American Disability Act requirements for accessibility. If you need assistance, please notify our security officers as you enter SLAC’s main gate, and they will direct you to a parking area and assist or escort you to the auditorium.     

Getting here     
SLAC is located at 2575 Sand Hill Road, Menlo Park, California, 94025. Please visit our Maps and directions page for driving directions.     

If you have specific questions or concerns about attending a public lecture at SLAC, please contact us.

Site entry informationMaps & directions