SLAC’s campus looking south with Interstate 280 in the distance. (Olivier Bonin/SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)

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The 3,200-megapixel LSST Camera is being tested inside the clean room at SLAC. The camera is the central component of the NSF–DOE Vera C. Rubin Observatory. (Olivier Bonin/SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)

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Sunrise timelapse of SSRL (Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource) (Olivier Bonin/SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)

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Aerial view of SLAC’s  campus. Stanford campus and Hoover tower can be seen in the distance. (Olivier Bonin/SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)

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SLAC’s research yard in the foreground, with the LINAC stretching 2 miles to the west, and SLAC’s campus on the right. (Olivier Bonin/SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)

Bold People
Visionary Science
Real Impact

We explore how the universe works at the biggest, smallest and fastest scales and invent powerful tools used by scientists around the globe. Our research helps solve real-world problems and advances the interests of the nation.

Our story Our people

Visionary Science

Explore our frontier research

X-ray & ultrafast science

Revealing nature’s fastest processes with X-rays, lasers and electrons

Physics of the universe

Studying the particles and forces that knit the cosmos together

Advanced accelerators

Building smaller, faster, more powerful accelerators for all

Science of life

Understanding the machinery of life at its most basic level

New technologies

Inventing new tools for science and society

Energy sciences

Finding clean, sustainable solutions for the world’s energy challenges


Facilities & centers

At our large-scale facilities and specialized centers, scientists take advantage of powerful tools and unique expertise and collaborate with each other across a wide range of disciplines. Working together is what makes science tick.

Scientific facilities Joint institutes & centers


SLAC people

To achieve our ambitious goals and keep SLAC a great place to work, the lab needs a creative, diverse and united workforce – people with a wide variety of experiences, ideas, skills and backgrounds.


SLAC news center

Press Release

Using the largest digital camera in the world, Rubin Observatory will soon be ready to capture more data than any other observatory in history.

A person in a hard hat looks at a giant black lens cap surrounded by a mirror.
News Brief

Nickel dopants could improve sustainable production of ethylene oxide, a chemical widely used in industrial manufacturing.

An illustration of purple balls (oxygen) gather near a nickel atom embedded in a sheet of silver.
News Brief

The role focuses on identifying and realizing opportunities and strengthening the coordination and execution of science and technology initiatives.

Alberto Salleo
News Feature

Researchers positioned lasers to compress billions of electrons together, creating a beam five times more powerful than before.

Claudio Emma and Brendan O’Shea examine experimental apparatus.
News Brief

Nickel dopants could improve sustainable production of ethylene oxide, a chemical widely used in industrial manufacturing.

An illustration of purple balls (oxygen) gather near a nickel atom embedded in a sheet of silver.
News Brief

The role focuses on identifying and realizing opportunities and strengthening the coordination and execution of science and technology initiatives.

Alberto Salleo
News Feature

Researchers positioned lasers to compress billions of electrons together, creating a beam five times more powerful than before.

Claudio Emma and Brendan O’Shea examine experimental apparatus.
News Brief

Supported by SLAC’s catalysis group, researchers have discovered a promising method to remove contaminants during the making of polymers.

Molecules strike a material below.
News Brief

SSRL scientists have figured out how platinum electrodes dissolve, potentially paving the way for renewable energy improvements.

White dots on a black background, with additional purple and blue dots and purple triangles connecting them.
News Brief

As a member of a collaborative team led by General Atomics, SLAC will help bridge basic research programs with the growing fusion industry. 

Graphic representation of lasers hitting a fusion fuel target in a fusion target chamber

What’s happening

Upcoming Event
Register to watch in person in the  Kavli Auditorium,  or watch the lecture live on our YouTube page.  For a decade, SLAC has been...
SLAC  Lecture | Revealing the Secrets of Transistors using Supercomputers
Mar 27

SLAC is a vibrant community of diverse perspectives and expertise, all working together to solve some of the most pressing challenges of our times."

John Sarrao Lab Director Headshot of John Sarrao
About SLAC video still frame
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory is a Department of Energy national lab run by Stanford in the heart of Silicon Valley. We invent scientific tools to explore the universe at its biggest, its smallest and its fastest. (Olivier Bonin/SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)

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SLAC Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) accelerator tunnel.

Images, videos & more

Ghost imaging illustration