Resources for SLAC staff

Here you will find a list of links most frequently visited by SLAC employees. Please note that most of these links are on the SLAC intranet and authentication is required for access. For a more extensive list of useful links for SLAC employees, please visit the staff resources page.

Social lunch event for honorees

SLAC Today (intranet home page)

The SLAC Today website is an intranet homepage for employees and requires authentication to access. It’s where you can find employee news and announcementsstaff eventscommunity bulletin board postsaccess notices, the staff resources page and more.




It’s About Time (iAT)/electronic timesheets 

It’s About Time (iAT) is the enterprise online time and effort tracking system for SLAC. 






Supply Chain Management

Supply chain management


Travel @ SLAC

SLAC is funded by the U.S. Department of Energy, therefore all reimbursement for travel must adhere to both DOE and Stanford University policies and guidelines. Here you can find all travel-related resources and announcements, including policies and procedures, COVID-related impacts and info on Concur.