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Sustainability RSS feed

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Aerial of the linac.

News Brief

Supported by SLAC’s catalysis group, researchers have discovered a promising method to remove contaminants during the making of polymers.

Molecules strike a material below.

Public lecture presented by Jocelyn Richardson

Public Lecture: Joycelyn Richardson
News Feature

An associate scientist at SSRL, Richardson studies plant growth to find ways to enhance nutrient uptake in plants, especially in challenging conditions – such...

Jocelyn Richardson
news collection

Harnessing nuclear fusion would bring the clean, unlimited energy of the stars to Earth.

fusion energy illustration

Learn more about how materials chemist and SLAC Associate Scientist Molleigh Preefer uses the powerful X-rays of SLAC’s synchrotron to watch battery charging cycles...

Stillframe of video interview with Molleigh_Preefer
News Feature

A materials chemist and SLAC associate scientist, Preefer is excited about the synergies being sparked at the SLAC-Stanford Battery Center. 

Headshot Molleigh Preefer at SSRL

Christopher J. Tassone, PhD provides an overview of the research that SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory performed as part of the Bio-Optimized Technologies to keep...

SLAC scientist Christopher J. Tassone
Scientists have developed an AI-based method that helps gather data more efficiently in the search for new materials, allowing researchers...
self driving experiments
News Feature

The method could lead to the development of new materials with tailored properties, with potential applications in fields such as climate change, quantum computing...

self driving experiments
News Feature

The SLAC/Stanford researcher is a leading materials scientist and entrepreneur whose research is paving the way for better batteries, cleaner power grids.

SLAC and Stanford researcher Will Chueh
News Feature

SLAC is taking part in a multi-institutional effort to help reach net-zero carbon emissions goals in difficult-to-electrify industries.

This is a graphic representation of the roadmap to defossilize carbon
News Feature

Following the NIF ignition demonstrations, the prospect of developing a fusion energy source using lasers looks brighter than ever. 

Illustration featuring three SLAC scientists Alan Fry, Arianna Gleason, and Siegfried Glenzer.