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Fundamental physics RSS feed

SLAC fundamental physics researchers study everything from elementary particles produced in accelerators to the large-scale structure of the universe. 

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Fundamental physics concept illustration

Press Release

Using the largest digital camera in the world, Rubin Observatory will soon be ready to capture more data than any other observatory in history.

A person in a hard hat looks at a giant black lens cap surrounded by a mirror.
News Feature

Researchers positioned lasers to compress billions of electrons together, creating a beam five times more powerful than before.

Claudio Emma and Brendan O’Shea examine experimental apparatus.
News Brief

As a member of a collaborative team led by General Atomics, SLAC will help bridge basic research programs with the growing fusion industry. 

Graphic representation of lasers hitting a fusion fuel target in a fusion target chamber
News Brief

This is the first measurement of its kind and will enable researchers to evaluate electron dynamics in a new range of super-small particles,  valued ...

Graphic depiction of light exciting electrons on a sub-nanometer particle
News Brief

Scientists studying laser-plasma proton acceleration made an unexpected breakthrough, simultaneously resolving multiple long-standing problems although they had only aimed to address one. 

Graphic depiction of a laser beam going through a water target
News Brief

Rubin Observatory’s rapid scanning of the night sky will capture the largest sample of Type Ia supernovae yet, unlocking new insights into dark energy.

An illustration of a telescope scanning the night sky.
News Feature

NSF–DOE Vera C. Rubin Observatory has just successfully completed a series of full-system tests using an engineering test camera.

A grid representing a digital camera image, with the central squares filled in.
News Feature

About 30 years ago an ‘ideas guy’ and a team builder joined forces to search for the invisible bulk of existence. In this Q&A...

Dark Matter
News Feature

A new center brings astrophysics, data science, and AI together to answer some of the universe’s biggest questions.

A rendering of a galaxy.
News Feature

AI is playing a key role in helping SLAC researchers find new galaxies and tiny neutrinos, and discover new drugs.

Diffraction pattern
News Feature

In 1974, the independent discovery of the J/psi particle at SLAC and Brookhaven National Laboratory rocked the physics world, and entire textbooks had to...

50th anniversary of the J/psi discovery
News Brief

The observatory's practice camera has captured its first on-sky data.

A telescope pointed through open doors in its building's roof.