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Fundamental physics RSS feed

SLAC fundamental physics researchers study everything from elementary particles produced in accelerators to the large-scale structure of the universe. 

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Fundamental physics concept illustration

News Brief

Supermassive black holes at the hearts of distant galaxies – and even our own sun – shine in the new movie. 

A blobby trail of orange, surrounded by red and blue, cuts across a black background.
News Feature

The High Energy Physics Advisory Panel has approved the recommendations of the P5 Report.

P5 report
News Feature

A new report outlines suggestions for federal investments needed for the next generation of transformative discoveries in particle physics and cosmology, including priority projects...

A web of dark matter, in which galaxies are forming.
News Brief

SLAC will partner in two collaborations that aim to speed up progress in fusion energy science and technology.

Laser engineer Eric Cunningham with the Matter in Extreme Conditions optical laser
News Brief

Vera C. Rubin Observatory’s fast-moving telescope and huge digital camera will illuminate the faint glow of free-floating stars within galaxy clusters, providing unprecedented insight...

A smattering of hundreds of galaxies of different shapes and sizes against a black background. Semi-opaque teal blobs surround and connect many of the galaxies.

The Fundamental Physics Directorate brings together scientists and technologies that support national priorities in particle physics, astrophysics and cosmology to explore the basic particles and forces that knit the cosmos together.

Dark matter stream visualization
News Feature

Four engineers discuss their journeys to working at SLAC and counsel those following in their footsteps.

Ashley fellows 2023
News Feature

Three SLAC scientists explain what they do to ensure the world's largest digital camera for astronomy is ready for the big time.

A digital sensor array is visible through a large camera lens inside a white room.
Press Release

With up to a million X-ray flashes per second, 8,000 times more than its predecessor, it transforms the ability of scientists to explore atomic-scale...

LCLS-II first light
News Feature

Line intensity mapping measurements taken with a new instrument will allow astrophysicists to study galaxies too far away for traditional methods.

The South Pole Telescope
News Feature

Vera C. Rubin Observatory’s Legacy Survey of Space and Time will revolutionize Solar System science by revealing a population of previously undiscovered interstellar comets...

An illustration of an interstellar object approaching our solar system.
News Feature

Leora Dresselhaus-Marais, Claudio Emma,  Bernhard Mistlberger and Johanna Nelson Weker will pursue cutting-edge research into decarbonizing steel production, theoretical physics, generating more intense particle...

This photo shows all four recipients from SLAC and Stanford of the DOE's 2023 Early Career Award