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Energy sciences RSS feed

One of the most urgent challenges of our time is discovering how to generate the energy and products we need sustainably, without compromising the well-being of future generations by depleting limited resources or accelerating climate change. SLAC pursues this goal on many levels.

Studies of atomic-level processes


X-ray laser pulses probe water droplets like these to discover water’s hidden (and sometimes bizarre) properties. 

X-ray laser pulses probe water droplets like these to discover water’s hidden (and sometimes bizarre) properties.
Press Release

Scientists at the Department of Energy's SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory have made the first structural observations of liquid water at temperatures down to minus...

Artist's concept - see caption

Public lecture presented by Johanna Nelson Weker

stillframe public lecture x-rays reveal secret life of batteries
News Feature

The Department of Energy has awarded two Stanford scientists funding through the agency’s Early Career Research Program.

News Feature
VIA Stanford Energy

A New Way to Harness Waste Heat

A new battery design harnesses waste heat in a four-step process: heating, charging, cooling and discharging.

News Feature

Given a year to mature, the Institute for Chemical Biology is relaunching under a new name that better reflects its vision of bringing Stanford's...

News Feature

In a recent experiment at SLAC's Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource, scientists "tickled" atoms to explore the flow of heat and energy across materials at...

Photo - A view of a materials science experimental setup at SLAC's Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource (SSRL). The circular instrument that frames this photo is part of a diffractometer that was used to align samples and a detector with X-rays.
News Feature

SLAC-led researchers have made the first direct measurements of a small, extremely rapid atomic rearrangement that dramatically changes the properties of many important materials.

The transformation of cadmium sulfide nanocrystals
News Feature

Scientists at SLAC and Stanford show how high-temperature superconductivity emerges out of magnetism in an iron pnictide, a class of materials with great potential...

An illustration of electrons pairing up like dancers at a party
News Feature

SLAC's Siegfried Glenzer has been selected to receive an Ernest Orlando Lawrence Award, presented by the U.S. Secretary of Energy to honor scientists across...

Photo - Siegfried Glenzer
News Feature

A new theory and computer simulation by SLAC and Stanford researchers rule out high-energy magnetic interactions as a major factor in making copper oxide...

Photo - Researchers at SLAC
News Feature

SLAC researchers have found a new way to transform graphite into diamond. The approach may have implications for industrial applications ranging from cutting tools...