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Detectors RSS feed

Detectors help enable science at many SLAC facilities and research programs, particularly in the fields of X-ray science, particle physics, and astrophysics.

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SLAC’s Chris Kenney holds a 16-module

News Feature

It’s in the air we breathe, but it’s not so easy to get ahold of 10 metric tons of xenon in its liquid form...

News Feature

SLAC is ramping up its efforts to understand neutrinos – elusive fundamental particles whose properties may help researchers solve a number of cosmic mysteries.

The EXO-200 underground detector.
News Feature

SLAC has led the development and implementation of a variety of upgrades to the ATLAS experiment to match the increased discovery potential of an...

News Feature

Researchers at SLAC are setting up a test stand and liquid xenon purification system for the future LZ experiment, which is scheduled to begin...

illustration of LUX-ZEPLIN chamber
News Feature

SLAC’s team of dark matter hunters recently gained a new member.