Chandra Curry at the Matter in Extreme Conditions experimental hutch 6 at LCLS.

Stanford postdoctoral researcher Stephen Dongmin Kang, left, demonstrates how he works at a modular glovebox workstation while Stanford postdoc Jungjin Park works at a...

In this illustration, the pairs of red spheres are escaping oxygen atoms and purple spheres are metal ions. This new understanding could lead to...

The sun rises over the Science and User Support Building (SUSB) at the entrance to SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory. Stanford's iconic Hoover Tower is...

The second annual Joe Wong Outstanding Poster Award Session was held at the 2017 SSRL/LCLS Users’ Meeting.

SLAC’s Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) Near Experimental Hall building at sunrise with Stanford University Hoover Tower in the background.