Just as Schroedinger's Cat is both alive and dead, an atom or molecule can be in two different states at once. Now scientists have exploited this behavior to make X-ray movies of atomic motion with much more detail than ever...
A new study, based on an experiment at SLAC's X-ray laser, pins down a major factor behind the appearance of superconductivity—the ability to conduct electricity with 100 percent efficiency—in a promising copper-oxide material.
If it exists, a type of decay called neutrinoless double-beta decay will show that neutrinos are their own antiparticles and can help scientists determine their masses.
Scientists at Genentech and SLAC have watched a key human protein change from a form that protects cells to one that kills them, providing valuable new insights to cancer research.
Rolls-Royce researchers came to SLAC earlier this month as part of a team testing titanium and its alloys, such as those used in engine parts, landing gear and other aircraft components
A new device could open new avenues for the generation of high-frequency radiation with applications in science, radar, communications, security and medical imaging.
Paul Fuoss, the new head of experimental design at LCLS, aims to make experiments at light sources here and around the world more productive and user-friendly.