Just as engineers once compressed some of the power of room-sized mainframes into desktop PCs, so too have the researchers shown how to pack some of the punch delivered by today’s ginormous particle accelerators onto a tiny silicon chip.
Siegfried Glenzer's team and collaborators from Tel Aviv University are working on a method that could make proton accelerators 100 times smaller without giving up any of their power.
Physicists at SLAC and Stanford propose that the influence of cosmic rays on early life may explain nature’s preference for a uniform “handedness” among biology’s critical molecules.
Blandford’s major contributions range from energetic jets ripping forth from colossal black holes to cosmic “magnifying” glasses to gravitational waves.
A new lithium-based electrolyte invented by Stanford University scientists could pave the way for the next generation of battery-powered electric vehicles.
Researchers have invented a way to slide atomically-thin layers of 2D materials over one another to store more data, in less space and using less energy.