Honored for early theoretical predictions that helped elucidate the nature of the strong force and the structure of the proton, he is still shaking things up today.
Four complementary analyses by Fermilab’s MicroBooNE show no signs of a theorized fourth kind of neutrino known as the sterile neutrino. Its existence is considered a possible explanation for anomalies seen in previous physics experiments.
Nearly 200 guests attended a symposium on fundamental physics to celebrate the former deputy director’s numerous scientific contributions, which continue to have a tremendous impact on our understanding of the subatomic world.
Biochemical 'action shots' with SLAC’s X-ray laser could help scientists develop synthetic enzymes for medicine and answer fundamental questions about how enzymes change during chemical reactions.
Using SLAC's X-ray laser, researchers have for the first time directly observed myoglobin move within quadrillionths of a second after a bond breaks and the protein releases a gas molecule.
Researchers use X-ray laser at SLAC to track light-triggered chemical reactions in a molecule that serves as a simple model for the conversion of solar energy into fuel.