News archive

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Harold Y. Hwang, professor of applied physics and photon science at Stanford and SLAC, has won the 2013 Ho-Am Award in Science, one of five annual awards often referred to as the Korean equivalent of the Nobel prizes.

Photo - Harold Hwang

Physicists operating an experiment located half a mile underground in Minnesota reported this weekend that they have found possible hints of dark-matter particles.

Close-up photo of copper dark matter detectors

Stephanie Mack, 20, read and reread the email in disbelief.

Photo - Shih-Wen Huang, left, and Stephanie Mack in Soft X-ray Instrument  control room

After a decade spent studying some of the most puzzling questions in astrophysics, providing research and learning opportunities to more than 100 graduate students and postdoctoral researchers, publishing thousands of scientific papers and pushing back the boundaries of what's known...

Photo - Student's silhouette against a projection screen.

SLAC researchers have demonstrated for the first time how to produce pairs of X-ray laser pulses in slightly different wavelengths, or colors, with finely adjustable intervals between them – a feat that will allow them to watch molecular motion as...


In celebration of Women’s History Month, the Department of Energy recently launched a new feature, Women @ Energy, which showcases DOE employees who work in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).

Photo - Amber Boehnlein writing on white board.

Using laser light to read and write magnetic data by quickly flipping tiny magnetic domains could help keep pace with the demand for faster computing devices.

Photo - inside RCI sample chamber

Scientists working at the Stanford Institute for Materials and Energy Sciences (SIMES) have improved an innovative solar-energy device to be about 100 times more efficient than its previous design in converting the sun's light and heat into electricity.

Photo - Nick Melosh and Jared Schwede

The ultrafast, ultrabright X-ray pulses of the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) have enabled unprecedented views of a catalyst in action, an important step in the effort to develop cleaner and more efficient energy sources.

Artist rendition: molecules react with the surface of a catalyst in real time

The Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy (AURA) announced today that Dr. Steven M. Kahn will assume the role of Director of the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) Project effective July 1, 2013.

Photo of Steven M. Kahn

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