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A team led by SLAC and Stanford scientists has made an important discovery toward understanding how a large group of complex copper oxide materials lose their electrical resistance at remarkably high temperatures.

Photo - Scientists standing with equipment at SLAC.

Menlo Park, Calif. — Researchers using the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) at the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory have found a way to strip most of the electrons from xenon atoms, creating a “supercharged,” strongly...

Photo of the CAMP Chamber at LCLS

SLAC in the Batter's Box as 30,000 at AT&T Park Cap Off 2012 Bay Area Science Festival. One week after the San Francisco Giants won the World Series, a crowd of more than 30,000 took over AT&T Park for "Discovery...

Photo - AT&T Park's baseball field full of families and tents

SLAC's Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource will play a central role in three research projects that seek cheaper materials and manufacturing techniques for solar panels, with support from a Department of Energy program called the SunShot Initiative.

Installation of solar panels.

Research at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory demonstrates that ultrashort, ultrabright X-ray laser pulses can reveal details of chemically important molecules at room temperature and in their natural state.

Illustration – X-ray pulse strikes manganese-containing molecules

Astronomers using data from NASA's Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope have made the most accurate measurement of starlight in the universe and used it to establish the total number of stars that have ever shone, accomplishing a primary mission goal.

Image - Plot of blazars on top of a Fermi gamma-ray sky map

Actor and writer Alan Alda is in a long-term, committed relationship with science, and he wants everyone to join him.

Photo - Alan Alda speaking in front of auditorium

A tiny device invented at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory will make it much easier for scientists to determine the structures of important, delicate proteins by greatly reducing the amount of protein needed for study.

Photo - Liquid microjet delivers sample proteins to a chamber.

Solar, wind and other renewable energy sources reduce consumption of fossil fuels but also pose challenges to the electrical grid because their power generation fluctuates, heightening the need for better battery technology to store their energy until it's needed to...

Photo - Wind turbines along a highway

One way to make magnetic storage drives faster would be to use light to flip the polarity of tiny patches of material, called magnetic domains, back and forth – from 0 to 1 and back again, in computing terms.

Image - Maze-like magnetic structure imaged by magnetic-force microscope

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