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Years of Work by KIPAC Scientists To Be Put to the Test

Photo - From left: Eduardo Rozo, Risa Wechsler and El...

Crews will install a powerful new instrument, start assembling a new "self-seeding" system that will focus soft X-ray laser pulses into a bright, narrow band of colors, and upgrade several laser systems during two months of routine downtime at SLAC's...

Photo - Component for a high-power laser upgrade at t...

In a new state-of-the-art lab at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, components of ribosomes – tiny biological machines that make new proteins and play a vital role in gene expression and antibiotic treatments – form crystals in a liquid solution.

Photo - Hasan Demirci, a visiting investigator from B...

On June 11, 2008, what was then the Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope rode a Delta II rocket into low-Earth orbit. After two months of tests and checks and calibrations, on August 11, 2008, NASA declared GLAST open for business...

Photo - The Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope launches June 11, 2008

Jonathan Rivnay, a former Stanford graduate student who is now a postdoctoral fellow at the Center of Microelectronics in Provence, France, will receive this year's William E. and Diane M. Spicer Young Investigator Award in recognition of his synchrotron studies...

Photo - Jonathan Rivnay, a former Stanford graduate student, has been selected to receive an annual award in recognition of his synchrotron-based research. (Jonathan Rivnay)

When it comes to improving the performance of lithium-ion batteries, no part should be overlooked – not even the glue that binds materials together in the cathode, researchers at SLAC and Stanford have found.

Image -  A new binder material forms a fine-grained (top) lithium sulfide/carbon composite cathode, compared with the large clumps (bottom) that form when another common binder is used.

Ingolf Lindau, a professor emeritus of electrical engineering at Stanford and of photon science at SLAC, will be honored with a special seminar today highlighting his many contributions to X-ray science. The seminar is from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m...

Photo - Ingolf Lindau at the Spear3 dedication ceremony on Jan. 29, 2004. (SLAC Archives and History Office)

A high-energy SLAC laser that creates shock waves and superhot plasmas needs to cool for about 10 minutes between shots. In the meantime, the rapid-fire pulses produced by SLAC's Linac Coherent Light Source X-ray laser, which probes the extreme states...

Photo - This equipment is used to quickly move a mirror in or out of the path of X-rays at LCLS to switch them to different experiments. (Matt Beardsley)

In an advance that will help scientists design and engineer proteins, a team including researchers from SLAC and Stanford has found a way to identify how protein molecules flex into specific atomic arrangements required to catalyze chemical reactions essential for...

Image - This 3-D figure of the enzyme dihydrofolate r...

Three theoretical physicists have taken an important step toward eliminating theoretical ambiguities from the staggeringly complicated mathematics used to explore the interactions of quarks, the tiniest known bits of matter inside protons and neutrons, and gluons, the enigmatic particles responsible...

SLAC particle theorist Stan Brodsky (Matt Beardsley/SLAC)

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