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SSRL is a pioneering synchrotron radiation facility known for outstanding science, technological innovation and user support. It provides extremely bright X-rays that scientists use for a wide range of research that probes matter on the scales of atoms and molecules.

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News Feature

SLAC researchers have found a new way to transform graphite into diamond. The approach may have implications for industrial applications ranging from cutting tools...

News Feature

X-ray studies conducted at SLAC and in the United Kingdom have resurrected the detailed chemistry of 50-million-year-old leaves from fossils found in the western...

A composite optical and X-ray image (red is copper, green is zinc, blue is nickel) of a 50-million-year-old leaf fossil. Trace metals correlate with the leaf's original biological structures. Also visible are ancient caterpillar feeding tubes.
Press Release

Scientists have discovered a potential way to make graphene – a single layer of carbon atoms with great promise for future electronics – superconducting...

Superconducting Graphene Layers
News Feature

Teams from Stanford, SLAC and the University of Nebraska-Lincoln collaborate to make thin, transparent semiconductors that could become the foundation for cheap, high-performance displays.

See caption
News Feature

A discovery by SLAC researchers into how chemical reactions take place on a platinum catalyst could lead to more efficient, less costly fuel cells.

Photo – SLAC researchers Hernan Sanchez Casalongue (left) and Hirohito Ogasawara
News Feature

Anna Llordes from Berkeley Lab's Molecular Foundry uses SSRL's Beam Line 11-3 for clues about where the smart films her group creates for windows...

Lawrence Berkeley Lab chemist Anna Llordés with a sample of "smart" material for testing at SSRL Beam Line 11-3
News Feature

Scientists working at SLAC, Stanford, Oxford, Berkeley Lab and in Tokyo have discovered a new type of quantum material whose lopsided behavior may lend...

Yulin Chen (Brad Plummer/SLAC)
News Feature

Sean Brennan's decades of X-ray expertise keep pulling him back to SLAC even though he formally retired in 2008. During a recent visit to...

Photo - Sean Brennan is pictured here in 1997, his 20...
News Feature

Researchers hope to hijack a natural process called RNA interference to block the production of proteins linked to disease and treat medical conditions for...

The crystal structure of the human Argonaute2 protein...
News Feature

Guarav "Gino" Giri, who this summer completed his doctoral work in chemical engineering at Stanford, has been selected to receive this year's Melvin P...

Photo - Guarav "Gino" Giri prepares a coating experim...
News Feature

In a new state-of-the-art lab at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, components of ribosomes – tiny biological machines that make new proteins and play a...

Photo - Hasan Demirci, a visiting investigator from B...
News Feature

Jonathan Rivnay, a former Stanford graduate student who is now a postdoctoral fellow at the Center of Microelectronics in Provence, France, will receive this...

Photo - Jonathan Rivnay, a former Stanford graduate student, has been selected to receive an annual award in recognition of his synchrotron-based research. (Jonathan Rivnay)