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Rubin Observatory/LSSTCam RSS feed

The NSF-DOE Vera C. Rubin Observatory and the SLAC-built LSST Camera image the visible southern sky over and over for a decade, creating a vast archive of data that will advance our knowledge of dark energy and dark matter.

Related Link: 
LSST Camera: World’s largest camera for astrophysics

Vera C. Rubin Observatory LSST Camera Focal Plane Build 158

News Feature

Researchers have released 10 terabytes of data from the OpenUniverse project, which has created a detailed simulation of the universe astrophysicists can use to...

Stars and galaxies on a black background.
News Feature

The largest camera ever built for astrophysics has completed the journey to Cerro Pachón in Chile, where it will soon help unlock the Universe’s...

A semi truck traveling a gravel road approaches two large telescope facilities.
News Feature

The first reflective coating was applied to Vera C. Rubin Observatory’s 8.4-meter combined primary/tertiary mirror using the observatory’s onsite coating chamber.

A large mirror reflects equipment in the background.
News Feature

Vera C. Rubin Observatory’s stunningly detailed images will illuminate distant stellar streams and their past encounters with dark matter.

An illustration of streams of stars flowing around a spiral galaxy.
Press Release

Once set in place atop a telescope in Chile, the 3,200-megapixel LSST Camera will help researchers better understand dark matter, dark energy and other...

Researchers examine the LSST Camera

The LSST camera will sit atop Rubin Observatory’s Simonyi Survey Telescope high in the Andes of Chile.

The camera will sit atop Rubin Observatory’s Simonyi Survey Telescope high in the Andes of Chile.

An artist's rendering of the LSST Camera showing its major components including lenses, sensor array, and utility trunk.

An artist rendering of the LSST Camera showing its major components

A front view of the completed LSST Camera, showing the 3,200-megapixel focal plane within.

A front view of the completed NSF–DOE Vera C. Rubin Observatory LSST Camera, showing the 3,200-megapixel focal plane within

Researchers examine the LSST Camera. The camera will soon be shipped to Chile, where it will be the heart of the Vera C. Rubin...

Researchers examine the LSST Camera

Travis Lange updates us on the LSST camera's journey to Chile for the Vera Rubin Observatory. With its 3.2-billion-pixel sensor, the world's largest digital...

Stillframe for LSST POST2

Aaron Roodman is the Deputy Director of the Vera Rubin Observatory: 30 years in the making, this new observatory will revolutionize our view of...

Stillframe for LSST POST1
News Feature

Vera C. Rubin Observatory’s detailed, big-picture view of our Solar System and ability to quickly detect and track moving objects will provide a gold...

A ring of yellow dots representing surrounds the earth, which projects a green beam onto the dots.