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Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) RSS feed

The Linac Coherent Light Source at SLAC, the world’s first hard X-ray free-electron laser, takes X-ray snapshots of atoms and molecules at work, revealing fundamental processes in materials, technology and living things.

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Rooftop view of Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS)

News Feature

He helped lay the groundwork for SLAC’s LCLS X-ray laser and for the institute, which was founded to explore the science LCLS would enable.

David Reis headshot
News Feature

SLAC researchers say their new method could make it easier to study interactions of ultrabright X-rays with matter

Ghost imaging illustration
News Feature

Researchers used a unique approach to learn more about what happens to silicon under intense pressure.

silicon waves
News Feature

X-ray laser snapshots give scientists a new tool for probing trillionths-of-a-second atomic motions in 2-D materials

Experimental station at SLAC's LCLS X-ray laser where the study was done
News Feature

SLAC Director Chi-Chang Kao spoke to the Stanford University Faculty Senate at its Feb. 21 meeting.

Chi-Chang Kao at Stanford Faculty Senate meeting
News Feature

A better understanding of these systems will aid in developing next-generation energy technologies.

synchronized molecules
News Feature

Using an X-ray laser, researchers watched atoms rotate on the surface of a material that was demagnetized in millionths of a billionth of a...

Iron sample blasted with laser pulses to demagnetize it, then X-rayed.
News Feature

New research will help in the quest to design low-cost drugs that can tackle postpartum bleeding and other conditions without severe side effects.

Misoprostol and EP3 receptor
Press Release

In a major step forward, SLAC’s X-ray laser captures all four stable states of the process that produces the oxygen we breathe, as well...

Atomic movie
News Feature

Revealed for the first time by a new X-ray laser technique, their surprisingly unruly response has profound implications for designing and controlling materials.

Illustration of laser light setting off vibrations in material
News Feature

The initiative will give scientists more access to powerful lasers at universities and labs.

MEC LaserNet
News Feature

In a first, researchers measure extremely small and fast changes that occur in plasma when it’s zapped with a laser. Their technique will have...

LCLS Plasma Expansion