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Biological sciences RSS feed

Tiny microbes and molecular machines have an outsized impact on human health, and they play key roles in the vast global cycles that shape climate and make carbon and nitrogen available to all living things. 

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Science of life

This illustration shows arrestin, an important type of signaling protein

News Feature

A 2-ton instrument the size of a compact car, now available at SLAC's X-ray laser, makes it possible to capture more detailed images of...

Photo - A view of the LAMP instrument at SLAC's Linac Coherent Light Source X-ray laser. (SLAC)
Press Release

New Technology Allows Faster, More Accurate Imaging of Hard-to-study Membrane Proteins

Illustration - man with migraine, serotonin receptor bound to anti-migraine drug
Press Release

A study shows for the first time that X-ray lasers can be used to generate a complete 3-D model of a protein without any...

See caption
News Feature

Researchers hope to hijack a natural process called RNA interference to block the production of proteins linked to disease and treat medical conditions for...

The crystal structure of the human Argonaute2 protein...
News Feature

In a new state-of-the-art lab at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, components of ribosomes – tiny biological machines that make new proteins and play a...

Photo - Hasan Demirci, a visiting investigator from B...
News Feature

A new screening program will allow researchers to quickly confirm whether precious biological samples yield useful information when struck by the intense X-ray pulses...

Photo - Marc Messerschmidt, a staff scientist who leads the Protein Crystal Screening Program at the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) X-ray laser, works at the Coherent X-ray Imaging (CXI) experimental station. (Matt Beardsley)
News Feature

Last year's Nobel Prize in Chemistry – shared by Stanford School of Medicine Professor Brian Kobilka and Robert Lefkowitz of Duke University – recognized...

Image: Researchers Dingjie Wang and Garret Nelson fro...
News Feature

Daniel DePonte, a pioneer in finding ways to serve up a steady and precise supply of crystals, viruses and other precious samples for laser...

Photo - Daniel DePonte standing in experimental station.
Press Release

X-rays Pinpoint Drug Target for Bacteria that Affect Hundreds of Millions Worldwide

Image - Diagram of protein overlayed on microscope im...
News Feature

Understanding why proteins interact with certain specific molecules and not with the myriad others in their environment is a major goal of molecular biology.

Conceptual art showing proteins and viruses
Press Release

An international team led by the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory has proved how the world's most powerful X-ray laser...

a lysozyme structural model against its X-ray diffraction pattern
Press Release

Discovery paves the way for new synthesis of antibiotics

A ribbon diagram of the protein Lsd19