Sander Breur from SLAC’s EXO neutrino research group, describes the acute shortage ventilator project.
SLAC and Stanford scientists observed puddles of 2D superconducting behavior emerging from a 3D unconventional superconductor, which conducts electricity with...

SLAC scientists used an improved X-ray technique to explore exotic states of matter in an unconventional superconductor that conducts electricity...

Machinist Pete Franco, inside the machine shop of the Light Fabrication building 025 at SLAC.

Jeney Wierman, a staff scientist at SLAC, explains how SSRL tools are contributing to COVID-19 research.

Jeney Wierman stands in the control room of SSRL. She, along with other members of the Structural Molecular Biology team...

Crystals of the soil virus AMG product (chitosanase) at 400x magnification. Individual crystals were cryo-cooled in liquid nitrogen before being...