SLAC particle theorist Stan Brodsky has learned how to dive into the equations of particle physics to look for deeper meaning.

Animation of a trifluoroiodomethane molecule (carbon shown in black, fluoride in green, iodine in pink) responding to laser light. The...

Secretary of Energy Jennifer M. Granholm joins 600 SLAC staff and collaborators in celebrating LCLS-II first light.

The side-to-side motion of electrons in a beam can be circular, elliptical, or linear, depending on the position of the Delta undulator's magnet rows...

In photosystem II, the water-splitting center cycles through four stable states

Deep inside rocky planets like Earth, the behavior of iron can greatly affect the properties of molten rock materials: properties that influenced how Earth...

A prototype section of the proposed Cool Cooper Collider beam tunnel.

In photosystem II, the water-splitting center cycles through four stable states, S0-S3. On a baseball field, S0 would be...