The LSST Camera's digital sensor, visible through the camera's five-foot front lens.

This photo shows the 3,200-megapixel focal plane of Rubin Observatory’s LSST Camera, under construction at SLAC.

SLAC’s LSST camera will explore cosmic mysteries as part of the Rubin Observatory’s Legacy Survey of Space and Time.

A SLAC team installs the final components of the LSST Camera focal plane that will become the heart and soul of the future camera...

The LSST camera will sit atop Rubin Observatory’s Simonyi Survey Telescope high in the Andes of Chile.

Science & Technology Communications Officer

Alberto is responsible for advancing the lab’s Science & Technology (S&T) Strategy, identifying and realizing opportunities and strengthening the coordination and execution of S&T...

X-ray absorption spectroscopy, operando catalyst characterization, catalyst structure-property relationships, new methods of catalyst characterization