What could smaller particle accelerators look like in the future? SLAC scientists are working on innovations that could give more researchers access to accelerator...
Researchers have discovered that crystals can twist when they are sandwiched between two substrates – a critical step toward exploring new material properties for...
The SLAC-Stanford team pulled hydrogen directly from ocean waters. Their work could help efforts to generate low-carbon fuel for electric grids, cars, boats and...
Knowing a magnet’s past will allow scientists to customize particle beams more precisely in the future. As accelerators stretch for higher levels of performance...
Charging lithium-ion batteries at high currents just before they leave the factory is 30 times faster and increases battery lifespans by 50%, according to...
Consumers’ real-world electric vehicle driving benefits batteries more than the steady use simulated in almost all laboratory tests of new battery designs, a Stanford-SLAC...