At LCLS, crystallized ribosomes travel through a capillary into the interaction region, where they are zapped with a beam of X-rays.

Researchers used SLAC’s ultrafast electron diffraction (UED) as an electron camera to take snapshots of a three-atom-thick layer of a promising material as it...

Researchers made the first microscopic movies of liquids getting vaporized by SLAC’s X-ray free-electron laser LCLS.

Matter in Extreme Conditions (MEC) Hutch 6, located in the LCLS Far Experimental Hall.

Chandra Curry at the Matter in Extreme Conditions experimental hutch 6 at LCLS.

In this illustration, the pairs of red spheres are escaping oxygen atoms and purple spheres are metal ions. This new understanding could lead to...

SLAC’s Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) Near Experimental Hall building at sunrise with Stanford University Hoover Tower in the background.