News archive

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His work aims to deepen our understanding of dark matter, dark energy and other secrets of the universe.

Photo of Panofsky fellow Daniel Gruen

The Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument begins final testing, setting the stage for a 5-year survey that will analyze the light of 35 million galaxies.

DESI ‘eyes’

Visitors of all ages shared a science-packed evening of activities.

Community Day Vacuum

Chemist Ben Ofori-Okai investigates what happens to matter under extreme conditions at microscopic scales to better understand its behavior at massive scales, such as what happens in the Earth’s core.

Ben Ofori-Okai
News Feature · VIA Symmetry Magazine

Scientists combine forces to study first light

Scientists are designing a next-generation experiment to map the Big Bang’s relic afterglow.

A study including SLAC scientists and facilities discovers a new process that shows promise in turning the greenhouse gas back into usable fuels.

Two Stanford researchers in the lab

Replacing today’s expensive catalysts could bring down the cost of producing the gas for fuel, fertilizer and clean energy storage.

Grad student McKenzie Hubert watches electrolyzer at work

Molecular movie-making is both an art and a science; the results let us watch how nature works on the smallest scales.

Molecular movie frames for the light-triggered transition of the ring-shaped 1,3-CHD molecule.

The annual conference for scientists who conduct research at SLAC’s light sources engaged about 350 researchers in talks, workshops and discussions.

Users meeting

She is recognized for two decades of innovation and excellence at the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource.

Aina Cohen

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