News archive

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Turning a brittle oxide into a flexible membrane and stretching it on a tiny apparatus flipped it from a conducting to an insulating state and changed its magnetic properties. The technique can be used to study and design a broad...

Close up of strain pattern produced by stretching membrane

Just like we orbit the sun and the moon orbits us, the Milky Way has satellite galaxies with their own satellites. Drawing from data on those galactic neighbors, a new model suggests the Milky Way should have an additional 100...

Dark matter forms into clumps, where galaxies and satellite galaxies form.

The giant cavity, in a protein that transports nutrients across the cell membrane, is unlike anything researchers have seen before.

A scientist working overlaid on a world map and images of tuberculosis bacteria.

An LCLS imaging technique reveals how a mosquito-borne bacterium deploys a toxin to kill mosquito larvae. Scientists hope to harness it to fight disease.

A photograph of mosquito larvae.

Hitting molecules with two photons of light at once set off unexpected processes that were captured in detail with SLAC’s X-ray laser. Scientists say this new approach should work for bigger and more complicated molecules, too, allowing new insights into...

Closeup image of molecular movie frames

Researchers have squeezed a high-energy electron beam into tight bundles using terahertz radiation, a promising advance in watching the ultrafast world of atoms unfold.

SLAC’s Emma Snively and Mohamed Othman at the lab’s high-speed “electron camera."
News Feature · VIA Stanford Earth

A better way to build diamonds

With the right amount of pressure and surprisingly little heat, a substance found in fossil fuels can transform into pure diamond.

Scientist holding diamondoid molecule moldels

A cheap technique could detect neutrinos in polar ice, eventually allowing researchers to expand the energy reach of IceCube without breaking the bank.

Radar echo

The 1950s and ‘60s poisoning event was long attributed to methylmercury, but studies at SLAC suggest a different compound was to blame. The findings could reshape toxicologists’ understanding of disease related to mercury poisoning.

Illustration of toxic waste being dumped from a pipe, a molecule, and a map showing the location of Minamata, Japan.

Twenty-eight teams went head-to-head, testing their science knowledge and buzzer skills, for the chance to go to the nationals in April.

Students compete in 2020 SLAC Regional Science Bowl

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