News archive

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DOE-funded Program Benefits Companies, the Lab and Society

A copper acceleration cavity with an extremely thin coating of tungsten.
News Feature · VIA Symmetry Magazine

Partnership Generates Bright Ideas for Photon Science

Photon science, a spin-off of particle physics, has returned to its roots for help developing better, faster detectors.

Researchers have taken a big step toward accomplishing what battery designers have been trying to do for decades – design a pure lithium anode.

News Feature · VIA Symmetry Magazine

How to Weigh a Galaxy Cluster

Step on a scale and you’ll get a quick measure of your weight. Weighing galaxy clusters, groups of hundreds or thousands of galaxies bound together by gravity, isn’t so easy. But scientists have many ways to do it.

News Feature · VIA Symmetry Magazine

Exploratorium Exhibit Reveals the Invisible

A determined volunteer gives an old detector new life as the centerpiece of a cosmic ray exhibit.

SLAC-invented Etching Process Builds Custom Nanostructures for X-ray Optics

Image - This colorized scanning electron microscope image shows a top-down view of a spiral zone plate, an X-ray optical device, created using a chemical etching technique developed at SLAC. (Chieh Chang, Anne Sakdinawat)

Highly Efficient Nanoparticles Could Bring Down the Cost of Fuel Cells

Photo of a hydrogen fuel cell car
News Feature · VIA Symmetry Magazine

Scientists Set Aside Rivalry to Preserve Knowledge

Scientists from two experiments have banded together to create a single comprehensive record of their work for scientific posterity.

Man at podium with a big book

SLAC Experiment Provides New Insight About How Electrons Move Across Molecules

Researchers used SLAC's LCLS X-ray laser to stimulate and measure the electron-transfer process inside a severed methyl iodide molecule.

Sulfur Cathode Experiments Test Chemistry Beyond Conventional Lithium-Ion

Photo - scientist preparing a dime-sized prototype battery

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