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By observing how hydrogen is absorbed into individual palladium nanocubes, Stanford materials scientists have detailed a key step in storing energy and information in nanomaterials.

Experiment Shows Potential of X-ray Laser to Study Complex, Poorly Understood Materials

Illustration of a polystrene molecular chain and Styrofoam cups, which are made of polystyrene.

  Scientists Craft Two Exotic Forms of Carbon into a Molecule for Steering Electron Flow

The world's first large-scale, interactive molecular physics experience is the brainchild of David Glowacki, a visiting researcher at the PULSE Institute.

News Feature · VIA Symmetry Magazine

Forecasting the Future

Physicists and other scientists use the GEANT4 toolkit to identify problems before they occur.

Physicists and other scientists use the GEANT4 toolkit to identify problems before they occur.

Lee comes from MIT, where his team recently discovered a fundamentally new type of magnetic behavior in a mineral called herbertsmithite.

SLAC and Stanford Professor Young S. Lee

Experiment at SLAC's X-ray Laser Opens Door to Exploring Cell Interiors

Image - These micrograph images show rod-shaped bacterial cells suspended in pure water. The dark rectangular shapes inside the cells correspond to naturally occurring crystals within the cells.

Chris Pollock Adapted Technique to Study Biomolecules in More Detail

Image - Chris Pollock monitors an experiment at SLAC's Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource. (Courtesy of Chris Pollock)

SLAC Experiment Reveals Mysterious Order in Liquid Helium

Physicists have good reason to believe 85 percent of the matter in the universe is currently undetectable. But not being able to see it didn’t keep students at the 42nd SLAC Summer Institute from learning about it.

Photo - SSI speaker Tracy Slatyer of MIT

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