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News Feature · VIA Symmetry Magazine

Natural SUSY’s Last Stand

Either Supersymmetry will be found in the next years of research at the Large Hadron Collider, or it isn’t exactly what theorists hoped it was.

SIMES principal investigators Zhi-Xun Shen, Shoucheng Zhang and Aharon Kapitulnik were elected to the National Academy of Sciences.

News Feature · VIA Symmetry Magazine

Ten Things You Might Not Know About Antimatter

Antimatter has fueled many a supernatural tale. It's also fascinating all by itself.

An experiment at SLAC's X-ray laser has revealed in atomic detail how a hypertension drug binds to a cellular receptor that plays a key role in regulating blood pressure.

Image - This photo shows a medical device used to monitor blood pressure. In a study at SLAC's Linac Coherent Light Source X-ray laser, researchers studied how a hypertension drug binds to a cellular receptor known as an angiotensin II type 1 receptor.

The European Physical Society honors Bjorken’s theoretical work on the parton structure of the proton, which contributed to the development of a theory of the strong nuclear force.

News Feature · VIA Symmetry Magazine

LSST Construction Begins

The Large Synoptic Survey Telescope will take the most thorough survey ever of the Southern sky.

Dark Energy Survey scientists have released a detailed map of dark matter – crucial information for a better understanding of galaxy formation and dark energy.

News Feature · VIA Symmetry Magazine

Seeing Dark Matter Without Seeing

Indirect detection experiments might be the key to discovering invisible dark matter.

Stanford University and the Department of Energy’s SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory have established the first endowed professorship in honor of Arthur Bienenstock.

Researchers use X-ray laser at SLAC to track light-triggered chemical reactions in a molecule that serves as a simple model for the conversion of solar energy into fuel.

IMAGE - Artistic rendering of a molecule severed by laser light, with a separate molecule (bottom right) from a solvent rushing in to bond with the just-split molecule. (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)

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