News archive

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An experiment at SLAC’s X-ray laser provides new insight into the ultrafast motions of a muscle protein in a basic biochemical reaction.

Computerized rendering of 3-D structure of myoglobin. The jagged green line represents a pulse of la
News Feature · VIA Symmetry Magazine

LHC Achieves Record-Energy Collisions

The Large Hadron Collider broke its own record again in 13-trillion-electronvolt test collisions.

Researchers at SLAC are setting up a test stand and liquid xenon purification system for the future LZ experiment, which is scheduled to begin its search for dark matter particles in 2019.

illustration of LUX-ZEPLIN chamber

SLAC scientists and engineers celebrated the completion of a new clean room, where the lab will assemble the camera of the future Large Synoptic Survey Telescope.

LSST Clean room

Anne Sakdinawat, a SLAC scientist, has been selected to receive a grant to advance her work in producing and using new types of X-ray imaging tools.

Image - Anne Sakdinawat (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
News Feature · VIA Symmetry Magazine

The US and CERN Upgrade their Relationship

A new agreement paves the way for joint projects between the United States and CERN.

A commercial X-ray source with roots in SLAC research enables multi-mode computer tomography scans that outperform routine scans in hospitals. The technique could potentially find widespread use in medicine and other fields.

News Feature · VIA Symmetry Magazine

Giant Magnet to Map Melted Matter

A 20-ton superconducting magnet has completed its journey from California to New York.

Photo of BaBar magnet arrives

A team led by Stanford University scientists is using software to breathe new life into results from past biological experiments at SLAC’s X-ray laser.

This illustration shows Tiny crystallized biomolecules in a liquid solution (right) are streamed into X-ray laser pulses (shown as a white beam) in this illustration of crystallography at SLAC's Linac Coherent Light Source X-ray laser.

Scientists at SLAC and Utrecht University have identified how catalysts degrade when used to refine crude oil.

Image - Research at the Department of Energy’s SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory could lead to more efficient gasoline production. (@iStockphoto/Patryk Kosmider)

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