Events archive

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Register to watch in person in the  Kavli Auditorium,  or watch the lecture live on our YouTube page.  For a decade, SLAC has been using its X-ray laser, the Linac Coherent Light Source, to explore the properties of matter at...
SLAC  Lecture | Revealing the Secrets of Transistors using Supercomputers
Mar 27
Register to watch in person in the  Kavli Auditorium,  or watch the lecture live on our YouTube page. Plants supply us with food, clothing, medicines, fuels, and other necessities of life.  For their growth, plants need essential minerals from the...
Public Lecture: Joycelyn Richardson
Register to watch in person in the  Kavli Auditorium,  or watch the lecture live on our YouTube page.  In particle physics, we search for new elementary particles that signal extensions of the fundamental interactions of nature.  Experiments at the CERN...
Public lecture illustration
It is a mystery how the earliest organisms on earth evolved the means to thrive, grow and reproduce under the sparse conditions of the young planet. Primordial earth had little oxygen and in the deep seas, no available light. One...
Public Lecture: Macon Abernathy

Presented by Chelsea Bartram

Public Lecture: Chelsea Bartram

Presented by Ashley James

Public Lecture: Ashley James
Past Event · Public Lecture

Searching for Trolls under the Electron Bridge

Presented by Elizabeth Ryland

public lecture poster illustration of electrons going over a bridge
Past Event · Public Lecture

Faster! Catching up to electrons on the move

Presented by Taran Driver

Taran Driver Public Lecture
Past Event · Public Lecture

Clocking Electrons: an Attosecond Stopwatch

Presented by Siqi Li

Public Lecture Siqi Li Poster

Presented by Emmanuel Schaan

Public Lecture Poster - Cosmic Shadow Theater: Casting Light on Galaxies